Friday, February 10, 2012

Getting Started with Wordpress

For newer designers and users that want customization and dynamic websites Wordpress is the go-to resource for collaborative innovation.
However, if you're anything like me the preceding sentence didn't make much sense to you.
  • Customization?
  • Dynamic?
What does this have to do with anything? What does the Wordpress platform offer that building a simple site on your own using HTML and CSS doesn't?
The answer is actually pretty simple: usability. With Wordpress, you can design a framework for a website and pass it onto a new user who can then upload their own content, tweak the details and customize it to suit their needs, all without having to dig into the different elements of coding and design.

In this series on Wordpress we'll be looking at the different opportunities that become accessible to novice users and the refreshing elements available to experienced designers and how Wordpress manages to unite both of these interests using themes and the powerful scripting commands of PHP.

Before we begin, you should be sure to familiarize yourself with Wordpress itself.
There are two websites available where you can get all of the answers that you need straight from the horse's mouth: - The free resource where you can create an account, upload or download themes and create your own website.

and - The official corporate website where you can also create an account and talk to wordpress developers who may answer your questions about building a website on wordpress, especially working with PHP.

There are also numerous independent resources offered by coders and developers delving into Wordpress everyday, looking to make their own mark in design.
Very shortly, I'll be posting some visual guides to getting started with Wordpress.

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